I Am Impressed … ~bv … https://www.vemma.com/bode/index.cfm?referrer=153169205&source=mv.com&opportunity=on&website_url=brianverigin&cou=USA&CO=USA&lang=en&lng=en Posted by Brian Verigin on Saturday, January 3, 2015
I am empowered when I wear this toque. ~bv Posted by Brian Verigin on Sunday, October 5, 2014
If you want something you have to go after it. It may be a huge pizza … it may be a cup of coffee ……
Do New Year Resolutions stick? 95% of the time they do not and the reason is when people make them they are not yet… Posted…
Yesterday’s accomplishments, conversations, meetings, snowfall, experiences, achievements, triumphs, production, feats, contacts, wisdom, observations, intimacy, worldliness, involvement and actions are “things” that have happening in the…