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Internet Income, Create Traffic, Monetize Your Blog

If you are interested in earning some Internet income from home,  you will be getting involved in an untapped resource. The Internet is still in its infancy and what a better way to get ahead from the comfort of your home. It does not take much to set up shop. You obviously have a computer and an Internet connection. It just takes a bit of understanding of the basic concepts and you will be on your way to online Internet income.


You can be drawing from a potential worldwide audience. This is a far cry from trying to set up a brick and mortar business. Your local business, unless in an ideal location, can be very limited to a local area. Take a look at the costs for brick and mortar. They range from building capital, inventory heat, light, power, etc. The expenses and overhead for an Internet business are much lower with a potential of a much higher return on investment.

I am suspecting you are not afraid of the Internet because you are reading this article. You got here by doing some research and clicking on links. There is really no reason why you cannot have people find you and your blog on the Internet. Get yourself exposed and build a positive reputation. Do not sell yourself short because you have something to offer that other people want to seek out. The audience is just huge.  You can create traffic and connect with your target audience.

I would suggest you pick something you like or enjoy doing. Being a bit creative you always can find a way to monetize your blog. One of the simplest ways is to start a blog and write about what you like and what is important to you. WordPress is the best blogging platform. Google will index your pages automatically, at no cost, so when someone types in a search term, that relates to your article, they may end up reading your blog post. Wow, someone just read your post. You have just created free traffic. Once you create traffic you can start to collect information from the visitor. This then can lead to Internet income.

Now there are plenty of tricks and tips on how you post your article, to help you get found. The range from the proper title and description, to how the article is written in relation to the keywords. If you write good content people will find you. You will get recommended to others. You can compound your efforts by putting up a video and linking it to your article. Again the video also should contain the proper title and description. It just take a bit of effort and you can have fun doing it because you have picked a subject of interest to you.

Once you have people going to your site (blog) you then can start to post ads or create opt in (signup) forms. This will monetize your blog. As you create more traffic, income will increase. If it is done right, you can have a direct deposit in your bank account for affiliate commissions.

There are plenty of companies out there who offer affiliate income opportunities. Too many to talk about here. If you want to find some just go to google and put in a search term of interest to you. At the top ten page start clicking on the links. I would venture to say, somewhere on those sites, there will be advertising. I would even go out on a limb and say there is advertising on this page. Once you have some traffic there is no reason why you cannot place advertising on your blog page.

Good luck in your quest for online internet income.  There is always an internet income opportunity available which can fit into what you enjoy doing.

Brian Verigin
Lead Specialist and Web Designer

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