Blogging is very popular these days, and some people even make a decent living at it. There are a number free sites that get you started on your blogging adventure. Some charge a fee. Whether you are trying to beef up your current blog or start a brand new blog, you may find the hints and tricks offered below to be helpful. Most of all, enjoy your blogging time!
Proofreading is very important. If your blog is full of typos and bad grammar, you will drive your readers away in droves. Be especially careful to avoid common mistakes like using the wrong form of homophones like you’re/your and there/they’re/their, as a spell-check will not detect such errors.
Use backlinks effectively to increase search engine visibility and increase readers for your site. If the search engines consider your site to be an authority site, you will rank more highly in their search results pages. The way to appear well-known is to have good sites and blogs link back to your site. This particular idea is called back linking. You need quality back links from many sites instead of having many back links from just a few sites.
Use your existing social networking accounts to let people know that you have a blog. See if you can get those people who you have shared with to tell others about you. It’s preferable to use a real social media account so that people can see that you are a real person, not a faceless entity.
Post interesting excerpts from your blogs to Facebook and Twitter.
Use social media to increase your traffic numbers. Make yourself a great Facebook page and invite everyone you know to fan you and comment, and then link it to your blog. Post interesting excerpts from your blogs to Facebook and Twitter. Be careful, as overuse of this tool can cause people to view your tweets as spam. With the right consistency, this kind of sharing can greatly increase your readership.
Trade Links
A fantastic way to market your blog and increase traffic is to share or trade links. Ask other blogs that post about the same topics as you if you can trade links. Don’t submit a link to a completely unrelated blog. Focus on getting high quality traffic to your blog, as this will help your blog to rank higher on SERP.
The preceding article described a few methods you can use to blog both to make money and to get your voice heard. Putting these tips to use will make running a blog easier for you, as well as make your blog more interesting to your readers. Begin using them to create or improve your blog, ensuring that it stands out from the competition.
Brian Verigin, Business Consultant. If you are interested in making a financial change to your life, I am looking for qualified people to help grow my team of successful entrepreneurs. If you motivated and willing to put in the time to grow a home business then
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