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Personal Beliefs
- Strong teaching, leadership and inspirational skills
- Believe in learning daily. “If we stop learning we stop growing”
- Always challenge myself to improve and be more efficient
- Personal growth through real life experiences and professional development is critical
- Listening is a critical skill required to be successful
- You are who you associate with. Always strive to improve your close circle of friends
- Give, perform, work and play without expecting to receive a direct benefit. Benefit will come in time
- Respect others for who they are
- Every single person has a skill set we can learn from
- Many people talk a big talk but it is action that gets results
- Make a decision, stick to it and proceed with passion
- If you think times are tough look around you
- Want results? … have a look in the mirror
- Enjoy the moments when they occur … the journey is what will be remembered
- Every day make a point to have a positive impact on some else’s life
- Filter out the negative and strive to soak up the positive
- Negative thoughts and actions are simply wasted energy that can be spent on more productive challenges
- Be a leader not a follower
- Your mind can put you on the topside of faced challenges … take care of it
- It’s how we respond to challenge is what builds our character