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What Is The Best Direct Selling Company? What To Look For

Success With Bode ProDirect selling can be a very demanding venture and selecting the right company is always a challenge. I have put together some criteria of what you should look for if you are interested in diving into direct selling. I have named this hypothetical company “YahSuccess.”

… developing repeat customers, hundreds of thousands of them and keeping those customers for life.

YahSuccess Core Philosophy of Honesty, Value and Trust

At YahSuccess, our core philosophy is simple. We manufacture and distribute the most physically impactful health and wellness products with the goal of making a positive difference in the health of families. A goal of developing repeat customers, hundreds of thousands of them and keeping those customers for life. Retention and continued monthly orders are the key.

This philosophy is simple. It’s logical, reasonable, responsible and  ethical. Sure, we believe in the power of the free market, but money is not our main priority. Anyone can make a buck. But we believe in people before profits. We aspire for moms and dads to not only use our products to maintain their own physical well-being, but also feel good about providing their friends and family with YahSuccess products.

This is the hallmark of a company who does things right and for the right reason. This is how YahSuccess will judge itself. In keeping with our promise, we commit to using only the finest ingredients available. Admittedly, our margins are thin because the finest ingredients are also the most expensive ingredients, sourced from around the world and brought to your home.

… logical, reasonable, responsible and  ethical …

As a direct sales company, we certainly recognize the need to properly reward our Influencers for spreading the YahSuccess word. We also need to run the company. Beyond that, we aim to keep our prices as low as possible, so most everyone can experience these products. If we attract people who love to buy outstanding wellness products, but have historically repelled direct sales companies, then we win.

When YahSuccess wins, our Influencers win through the creation of a successful and sustainable home-based residual business for years to come. And, nothing’s better than a win-win relationship.

Bode Pro Happy Nootropic and Mitochondria EnergyYahSuccess Product Line Meeting Marketing Demands

Current popular trends focus on the health and wellness industry. Yahsuccess has cutting edge products that meet consumer requests for more energy and gaining that energy with scientifically backed tests. Consumers demand high quality products that do not break the bank account.

A plus would be to have products that are naturally derived and do not contain gluten, soy or dairy ingredients. Benefits could include promoting ones health at the cellular level with antioxidant qualities. Again keeping as natural as possible and no artificial ingredients. Enhancing anti-aging and properties that support your immune system. Yes, fight against free radicals while possibly maintaining a healthy look of skin, eyes, teeth, gums and hair.

Some consumers like caffeine and some do not and give them an option for this. Caffeine should come from a natural source. Nootropics is a hot topic which would promote mental clarity, focus, productivity, alertness and cognitive function. Another hot topic is Mitochondria … you do notice that children seem to have an unlimited amount of energy. As we age this energy decreases and this is directly related to the amount of Mitochondria in our bodies. Enhance Mitochondria and the energy levels will go up.

YahSuccess Commission Program: Unique, Powerful and Compliant

Bode Pro Compensation PlanYahSuccess Commission Program is unique for its ability to attract 4 major marketing channels: retail, internet, influencer and network. In fact, if you consider the product program that’s specifically designed to tap into customer’s customer referral, this program can effectively tap into a 5th market as well.

… real sales of real products to real customers …

A ‘first of its kind’ type commission program, focuses on rewarding the different types of entrepreneurs who are attracted to marketing products they believe in, the way they feel fits best within their skill set. Rewarding entrepreneurs for real sales to real customers and a company like YahSuccess … does it like no other.

The secret to a successful commission program is that it works for the most popular marketing channels. While most companies focus on a singular channel while ignoring other multi-billion channels, YahSuccess allows existing business people secondary income possibilities while also providing the part-time entrepreneur the ability to develop retail and residual incomes by marketing some massively consumable wellness products.

Attracting these 4 marketing channels has also attracted the full-time networking professional that realize the potential of driving massive volume and what that could mean to those who want to earn substantial level of income … YahSuccess’s program does it all in a very powerful way.

YahSuccess’s Commission Program is customer centric and rewards Influencers for collecting new raving fan customers and maintaining their existing customer communities. Real sales of real products to real customers is the cornerstone. This Program is the future of how compliant compensation will be designed with the most current rules for the industry.

Now, if these hypothetical traits could be put into an actual direct selling company would you be interested? If so, please get hold of me or even easier, complete the form below and I would be happy to provide more information to you to possibly make this a reality. I will give you more ideas of what to look for when making your decision.

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admin IT Application Specialist
The mental state of mind controls all of our activities. Take care of yourself and lead a wellness lifestyle.