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What is an Opt In Form? Usage..Online and Internet Business

What is an Opt In Form?

Good question. What is an optin in form? If you are involved in internet marketing in any way, you will know how difficult it is to get traffic to your website. As an increasing number of people look to the internet as a means of making money, competition increases and it becomes correspondingly more difficult to get website traffic.

Statistics indicate that it takes from 6-8 exposures to a product or advertisement before a consumer makes a purchasing decision.

You can achieve much the same effect online by using internet advertising, such as Google Adwords.  The trouble is, Adwords is a PPC program, where you pay every time a visitor clicks on your advert.  Even if they see your site and leave it within a second or two, you still pay. That’s why such adverts have to be very specific, and draw clicks only from those interested in your specific product, and also why many people, lose a lot of money with PPC advertising.

Keep In Touch With Visitors

What you need to do is make best use of your traffic, and an opt in form helps you achieve that.  If you analyze your traffic, you will notice that the majority visit your website for about 10 seconds or under. The others are then distributed in a declining number from 10 second upwards.  In other words, those clicking on links leading to your site may be interested in your niche, but find nothing on your site to meet their immediate needs.

If you could just keep in touch with them, you might be able to persuade them that you can help them:  just like a store assistant will ask if they can help, and explain the details of the some of the products they have to offer. An opt in form enables you to be that store assistant and explain how your products can help your visitor.

You can keep in touch with subscribers on a regular basis, and give them those 6-8 exposures to your products that they need to make a decision. You can send them one or two emails weekly, each providing good information on the niche, and offering your product on every third or fourth.  Don’t overdo it, because they will think it just a sales ploy and unsubscribe. Sure, it is a sales ploy, but don’t make it too obvious.

Here’s how to go about it:

1. Register With an Autoresponder

First you must register to use advanced autoresponder software. The most used are AWeber and GetResponse. With the same account you can create as many lists as you want: one for each niche or one for each element of your niche. Some online business owners have several websites covering different niches, while others focus on a single niche, but run a number of subdomains on each aspect of the niche. Fishing and martial arts are two examples of the latter, where a broad brush covers many different topics.

2.  Set Up Your Opt In Form

You name the list and then create an opt in form for each list. That is simply done using the software provided. Ask for their first name and email address – that’s all you need to keep in contact.

Here is an example of an opt in form. Fill it out to see how this works. Yes, this will opt you into my list.

You can generate a simple form that fits into a space on one of your sidebars or among your web page content: it’s important that your form is placed above the fold – or in the immediately visible part of the screen without scrolling.

That’s because most of those staying on the page for just a few seconds will not scroll down, but simply look at the content they see when they reach your landing page. They will have to see something compelling for them to stay, and a well-designed opt in form might just keep them there to find what it is all about.

3.  An Offer They Can’t Refuse

Make them an offer they can’t refuse – and make it obvious. Make it cry out to them, so they can’t resist.  It must catch the eye of 5 second visitors! What is an opt in form if it isn’t a sales push! You want their name and address, but these are valuable to your visitors and you won’t get them free. Offer a free eBook – maybe something you wrote a while back and is no longer selling, or offer a course relating to the niche.

An 8-part course on training cats to outwit dogs (the ‘Cats and Dogs’ video should do it!), or how to promote a product online that can be auto-dispatched every 2-3 days by your autoresponder. That provides the 8 exposures! Whatever you offer, it must be useful and must be free.

4.  Promote Your Product

Once they fill in the opt in form, you send them the free gifts and then keep in touch at least once weekly – even after any course you offered has finished. Keep emailing them, offering products maybe 30% of the time, and keep building your list. Respect your subscribers, keep in mind why they subscribed, and change your opt in form now and again along with your gifts so they don’t get stale.
Brian Verigin-Yahsuccess. I teach people how to earn income on the internet. If you are interested in a blog or website and even more so want to generate some income I can show you how to get natural rankings and create traffic to your site. Traffic will generate income.

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